Friday, March 14, 2008

half-baked baby

As of 3/12, Baby P. is half-baked. 20 weeks down, 20 to go. A few interesting items on the baby:

  • He/she is about 10 1/2 ounces and as large as a banana.

  • There is hair on his/her scalp.

  • He/she can swallow.

  • Baby can hear (so watch your language when you're around my belly!).

  • I feel the baby moving all the time. You can't feel it from the outside yet, so it is like my own little secret.
We had an ultrasound last week and everything looks great. Baby is measuring right on time, although he/she does have proportionally long legs for his/her body - no big surprise! We did not find out the gender, but I swear I saw girl parts. How did I determine this? Well, I googled ultrasound genitalia pictures and I think what I saw on the screen looks like the girl pictures. Chris told me that I have no idea what I saw and that I needed to stop looking at and analyzing ultrasound porn!

A few belly pictures at 20 weeks (don't be afraid of my bare belly!):

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