Friday, March 14, 2008

what's in a blog?

So, can someone PLEASE answer a question for me: blog=weblog? Blog is a hip abbreviation? I have never lived a public sort of life on the internet before, and this is strange to me. I cannot manage to check into myspace more than once every 3 months, yet I think I am going to keep this updated????

Well, I hope to do so. I figure I am at least a little more interesting now that I have a baby inside me than I was previously, and maybe some of you would like to keep updated on what is happening in my world. Hence, this blog. I do hope you enjoy!

half-baked baby

As of 3/12, Baby P. is half-baked. 20 weeks down, 20 to go. A few interesting items on the baby:

  • He/she is about 10 1/2 ounces and as large as a banana.

  • There is hair on his/her scalp.

  • He/she can swallow.

  • Baby can hear (so watch your language when you're around my belly!).

  • I feel the baby moving all the time. You can't feel it from the outside yet, so it is like my own little secret.
We had an ultrasound last week and everything looks great. Baby is measuring right on time, although he/she does have proportionally long legs for his/her body - no big surprise! We did not find out the gender, but I swear I saw girl parts. How did I determine this? Well, I googled ultrasound genitalia pictures and I think what I saw on the screen looks like the girl pictures. Chris told me that I have no idea what I saw and that I needed to stop looking at and analyzing ultrasound porn!

A few belly pictures at 20 weeks (don't be afraid of my bare belly!):

Sunday, March 9, 2008

proud parents

We are so proud of our first-born, Toby, who recently graduated from obedience school. Toby has had a rough few months: he fell getting into the truck and ruptured his bladder, leading to emergency surgery, and then was put through his paces and told he was not, in fact, the alpha in our house. Yes, the yard is ours, the stairs are ours, the door is ours, and YOU are the dog.

Really, he is a good boy who just needs a little fine tuning. He now heels like a champ, sitting at the end, stays about 85% of the time, comes about 60% of the time, and still has a lot of work to do on down. The overall desired outcomes in working with Toby: (1) that he will walk nicely next to the stroller; (2) that he will stay seated for the Christmas picture; and (3) that he won't even think of marking the baby.

Sad Tobes post surgery (note shaved leg and belly):

Toby recovered and doing his "job:" playing ball:

Ready to be a big brother:

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

yes, I know I don't look pregnant

We spent February 23-24 in Ft. Pierce for our friends' Pat and Jerren's wedding (Conor's sister and new brother-in-law). We had a blast and it was nice seeing Meg, Con, and Mike, but I have to admit that I went home early to the hotel while Chris stayed out to party. I am such a wild pregnant woman. Here are a few pictures:

they look too young to be grandparents:

the Harper kids (only 1 with the name!):

finally, my very un-pregnant looking belly at 17 weeks, 3 days:

At 17 weeks, my doctor, the nurse at the doctor, my eye doctor, and pretty much everyone else I see tells me I don't look pregnant at all. You see SOMETHING, right?!