Thursday, February 21, 2008

the biggest of big news

As you have probably heard by now, we are having a baby! My invaluable resource,, told me that I should keep a pregnancy journal and that modern moms use electronic journals. So here I am. I have a blog.

I must confess that seeing a positive pregnancy test was a surprise and generated about 30 minutes of sheer panic. We got over it quickly and are just amazed, thrilled, and feeling like the most fortunate people on the planet.

Answers to the questions everyone asks:

1. July 30
2. Yes, it will be hot then. We live in Florida.
3. I feel great. I had a little nausea and tiredness at the beginning, but I can't complain.
4. No, we are not finding out if it is a boy or a girl.
5. Caroline, Margaret, Mary, Maren, Elizabeth
6. Benjamin, Samuel, Andrew, John

Happy Birthday today to my MOM! Hopefully I can be as wonderful to my kid(s) as she is to us.