why I blog

This is not a happy family blog - I cannot stand those.  This is mine.  I hope it's happy, but I hope it's real too.  I hope it has substance and meaning.

I started my blog when I was pregnant because, you know, I was finally interesting.  Here's the thing: all new moms are the same.  We produced life and experienced so many changes that we think we are interesting.  We're not - we are hopelessly in love with our babies and learning more about ourselves than we thought possible, but I am willing to bet that the majority of us were more interesting before motherhood.  And no one else cares about our babies as much as we do.  I realized this awhile ago, and yet I still blog. 

Chris is a funny guy, but no one thinks Chris is funnier than Chris does.  In that way, no one likes to read my blog as much as I do.  Thus, I blog for myself.  Also, I hope my blog creates a legacy for my children and beyond.  Maybe Annie's daughter will be a new mother some day and take comfort in my experiences.  Of course, I blog for you too.  I hope people read and enjoy my ramblings.  I am flattered and honored that you are here.

If you want to read about someone actually doing something interesting, read about my sister or my AmeriFriend, Marcie.  If you want to read some moderately interesting snippets from my life, then WELCOME!