Tuesday, May 20, 2008


After a long and stressful home-buying experience, the offer was accepted on our first-choice home. We are closing on Tuesday and I'll post pictures then.
Here are two pics of my impressive hill at 29 weeks, 4 days. I am finally obviously pregnant and I like that:

will I miss this?

It's 10 p.m. on a Tuesday night, quickly approaching my bedtime, and I'm on this computer because I'm actually working. I've been on the phone for the past 2 hours straight and am now monitoring an online EOC. Due to area wildfires, we opened a shelter tonight, and it has been a job trying to organize everything.

The question is, will I miss this in two(ish) short months? There is no question that I am not going to miss my pager. Right now, I am have to say that I will not be missing the stress and inconvenience either, but something tells me I might miss the excitement.

baby's first bunny

I originally imagined myself knitting all sorts of beautiful goods for the baby, but, alas, this is my first completed project. Next up: a baby girl sweater. This is not so much because I think we are having a girl, more because I don't want to do a gender-neutral sweater and the girl sweater I like is quicker and easier. If this is a boy, oh well!