Tuesday, September 30, 2008

this isn't annie-sunnysideoflife.com

This is my blog and I am capable of doing other things than obsessing over my baby (rarely, but it has been known to happen). I do not want to be that mom with no other interests or activities!

I went out boozing for Heather's bachelorette party. Yes, I now remember what a hangover feels like:

We also threw Heather and Greg a couples shower that was our first party at our new house. The bride and groom were adorable:

And Chris and I went to the Jaguar game on Sunday. It was HOT but an exciting finish:

cliche critique

I have nothing new to say about parenthood that hasn't been said before, so I would like to see if I'm feeling exactly what the world tells me I should feel!

Cliche: "Your whole world will change."

True. Duh.

Cliche: "As soon as she's here, you won't be able to imagine life without her."

Pretty much false. Having a baby didn't erase my memory. It also might be because we haven't gone through a significant amount of time with her. This will be our first FL/GA, our first Thanksgiving, first Christmas, etc. with Annie, so maybe next year this cliche will hold more.

Cliche: "She'll have Daddy wrapped around her little finger."

True. He is obsessed with her. It is kind of funny, though, because we have certainly fallen into separate parenting roles. Chris is very actively involved, but he is definitely the DAD and I am definitely the MOM. Very interesting.

Cliche: "They grow so fast."

True. When I look at her, I really think I can actually see her learning and growing.

Cliche: "You won't get any sleep."

Some days this is true and some days this is false. I have started trying to get Annie on a bit of a schedule. She's had one 30 minute nap in her crib (YAY!!!) today, but she's now sleeping in her swing. Eh, win some, lose some.

Look at the big girl riding forward in her stroller (she gets these cute elf ears in her stroller and yes those are Gator socks):

month 2 pics are up


She is getting so big. Being a mom is the funniest feeling. It's like you can't wait for them to grow, learn, and do new things; but the other side is that you cannot stand for them to grow and get bigger. It's the best catch-22 there is.

Monday, September 22, 2008

picture update

Hi. Thanks to ERIKA for telling me my photo link didn't work!!! Are you all not wanting to see pictures or are you too shy to tell me or is no one reading me or what?!?!?! Ah, well, try this:


I am going to see how posting pics here works.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

look who's learned to smile!

As Chris said, "it's not that she's too serious, she just didn't know HOW to smile before now."
She has been teasing us with little smiles for about three weeks, but now she's a full-fledged smiling baby:

Annie is also one of the smallest and saddest Jaguar fans:

Friday, September 5, 2008

drunk on milk

I love Annie so much right after she eats and is totally drunk on milk and so cute and stretchy. Here is an example of what I mean:

month one pictures

If you want to see LOTS and LOTS of Annie pictures, click here: http://share.shutterfly.com/share/received/welcome.sfly?fid=819ca25426833867


6 1/2 weeks old already!

Annie is doing great and growing, growing, growing. She is out of size newborn diapers and onto size 1. She is also outgrowing some of her clothes and we have said good bye to several of her cutest outfits!

I can't believe it has been a month and a half already. I never thought I would be the type to say that I was put on this planet to be Anne's mother. Well, I'm not going to say that, but I will say that motherhood has been a zen-like experience and this is certainly the happiest time in my life thus far.

Annie and Toby practicing for the Christmas picture. They need some work but they've got time:

As Heather puts it, Annie likes cruising the world on other people's legs:

Dad is so entertaining!

Anne has had quite a few firsts. First smile, first time her spit up was so powerful it flew up over her eyes and into her hair....... Here are some we celebrate.

First Gator game with GREAT uncle Tom:

Right after her first swim: