I have a very annoying habit while writing of overusing parentheses (I am sure you have noticed this). I do it here, I do it in emails constantly, and I am not sure why. An old friend named Kevin who I thought of out of the blue yesterday once told me that I write emails like a 12 year old but that was okay because he could hear my voice when he read them (this was when I was overusing ....). I think I mostly use parentheses because I think fast, I type fast, and I want to add new thoughts but I don't want to figure out where they logically fit in. Anyway, OUT with parentheses, New York City was so
fabulous that it is time to move on to a new literary style.
Anyway, do you find this quote depressing?
"All the lives we could live, all the people we will never know, never will be, they are everywhere. That is what the world is."
-Alexander Hermon
Chris says this is depressing, but I disagree. Not that it is incredibly uplifting, but it is truth. Our lives our products of choice meets destiny and we have to be happy where we are. Bloom where we are planted.
Anyway, in another life, I would have been a hip urbanite! Don't they talk about New York in the springtime or something? It really is that great.
Chris won a trip to New York City for being such a work superstar, so we traveled to NYC with 44 of our closest Sysco friends :) We walked and wandered, held hands, ran through Central Park, had a fabulous late lunch/early dinner at one of Chris's favorite chef's restaurants, saw a rockin' Rock of Ages, went for a breathtaking sunset cruise, and capped it all off with a couple hours just hanging out on a rooftop being cool with my cousins. It was so nice seeing them. We had a great time and enjoyed each other, but, even more so, maybe fell in love with Sysco a little bit again. It is
simply wonderful having a husband who enjoys his job.
The view from our hotel room and more: