first paragraph TMI warning....
We have been working rather halfheartedly with Annie about peeing on the potty. I figure we will go cold turkey with daytime diapers when I am home for two weeks at Christmas if we're not there yet (she'll be nearly 2 1/2 then and dammit I am back with the parentheses!). The problem with this is that she now knows how to take her diaper off and does it often. As I had her ready for the tub last night, she started peeing down her leg, so I pushed her on the potty that was right there and she finished in the potty! Yay????? I think maybe it was a coincidence, but a milestone all the same.
In other news, Annie talks, talks, talks all day long. She knows hundreds of words and is constantly surprising me with all she knows. She knows her colors, ALL foods (future chef like dad?), obscure body parts, and she loves knowing who is who. And what belongs to whom; e.g. Daddy's beer, Nana's yogurt. And where everyone is; e.g. Daddy running? Daddy watering plants? She likes to talk about her friends, stuffed animal friends and school friends and family friends. I learned a couple weeks ago that she could count to ten when I heard her just a-countin' in her crib on the baby monitor as she woke up from a nap! She skips six at least half the time. (that was a former parentheses phrase - perhaps I should have just left it in regular font). She knows her ABC's in and in-and-out fashion, knows a few in a row, hums a few, says a few, claps and cheers at the end! She likes imaginary play and tea parties. She is getting out of the parroting stage and has started actually answering some questions. I have also noticed that her memory has improved. For example, we went down to see Meghan last week for her birthday and Annie keeps talking about her. Well, she talks about Penny maybe a bit more, as in, "Penny Meghan's dog." I didn't notice much of a bond there, but Annie sensed something. Here is a silly video from today. I am figuring out my webcam. sorry for the bright light in the back. Also, here is an old video (maybe 3-4 months old) that is a little weird (I think Annie is sick or either JUST woke up) but I don't know what else to do with it and I like the way Chris whistles at the end.