...you just never know. A coworker of Chris's just lost a 20 year old daughter tragically. These things do happen. If you do not like to think about death, then skip this post. And if you whisper amongst yourselves, that weirdo is obsessed with death - I'm not. But, hey, we are all going to die, and nothing makes you feel mortal quite like holding a new life.
Seriously, hold a new baby and feel the fleeting moment that is your own life!I have been running more and when I am not thinking
I hate this, I think about other stuff and one thought that has been going through my mind is,
why do I blog, anyway? See the top of blog soon for answer to this, but in the meantime, just in case, there are things I want my children and family and friends to know. I don't want people to say,
Katie would have loved that, when I am screaming from heaven,
NO! NO! NO! What are you doing?!?!?To EveryoneNo tattoos with my name/favorite things/etc.
Help Chris! Don't exclude him because he doesn't have a partner
To ChrisI hope you fall in love again. After a respectable mourning period (of at least a year?), go out on dates! You are a catch! Meet someone fabulous with short hair (Chris has a thing for short haired girls)! But do not introduce anyone to the girls for a long time, and please do not let anyone move in with you while there are kids in your house.
To My ParentsCall, check in, help, every day if needed, but don't worry - Chris has got this!
For My Children (Instructions for Everyone)
- Take them to church and teach them to pray. They may follow many spiritual callings in their lives, but give them the foundation.
- Take them places; don't buy them things.
- Teach them to be open minded and active, voting citizens.
- Show them that life isn't fair and that sometimes that is okay (e.g. you will never be the smartest, fastest, etc. and no, you are not getting a new car for your 16th birthday) and sometimes that is not okay (e.g. the treatment of women and children around the world, the horrible bullying problem in schools today, and the fact that millions around the world don't even have fresh water or food). And, that in those moments that are not okay, they must be the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.
- Encourage them to explore the world so they can find gratitude within and share that with others. Good examples of this: working at an orphanage in Africa, attending a spiritual retreat in Thailand, spending a semester in the wilderness or at sea or somewhere thought-provoking.
- Turn off the TV. Pick up a book. Go for a walk. Go to the beach. Plant a garden.
- Serve others. Be kinder and more generous than necessary.
- Don't compete with others because you will never win. Don't be afraid to go against the grain. Be radical.
- Laugh. Tell them stories about me. Tell them I loved their dad and I loved them more than words can express.
Done for now! More deep thoughts to probably come as I run, run, run my way to a Gate River Run PR in March. :)
P.S. I am planning on living for at least 60 more years and Chris says please see his instructions as well.