Friday, March 30, 2012

five fun friday facts

1.  We do not have a clock in our house.  We have a clock on our oven but it doesn't keep time properly.  I don't even notice that we don't own a clock, but it drives people crazy who come to our house.

2.  We also do not have a microwave.  Well, we have one, but it doesn't work, and it is built into the wall so we can't just take it out.  We really don't need one.

3.  We have been paid-TV-free for about two months and hardly miss it.  I am so happy we finally canceled it, although a piece of my heart will remain with Bravo forever.

4.  I have no idea what I am doing with my hair.  It is long.  I hate it.  I want to keep growing it.  I'm confused.  I should just cut off four or five inches and I would love it.

5.  My new bathing suit has a skirt and I love it.  And I don't feel like an old lady in it.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

home _________

Chris has been home brewing and I have been thinking about home birthing and home schooling.  Not sure they are for me, but I get it.  Hmmm.  Someday.  Who knows?

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Today, my little sister became a mama.

Full hearts tonight. :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

a new little blog segment I like to call...

Who wore it best?
First popsicles (M then A):
Helping Dad (A then M):

Sunday, March 11, 2012

dear maren

Dear Mare-Mare,
Happy birthday two weeks late!
You are the most fantastic one year old. I love babies, and I loved having a baby for a year, but especially because that baby was YOU. You are so very easy to love. From day one, I just loved you with all I had. I found that the best part about having baby #2 was already knowing the love that would come and just being able to jump right into it.
At one year:
  • You have taken a very shaky step or two, but you aren't walking yet. This is fine, because you are a highly proficient crawler. You've been crawling since you were 8 months, and you also have a finely developed bear crawl.
  • You have an a.mazing smile. You have these sweet cheeks that are so heavy they almost droop down and six adorable little teeth.
  • You have been a napping champ practically from day one, but you just started sleeping through the night about a month ago (thanks to your magic amber necklace - ha!).
  • You make a lot of sounds, but Mama is your only consistent, identifiable word - and I love it.
  • You are strong and agile. You can throw a ball like a superstar and make this tennis player grunt sound when you do so.
  • You love your sister and your dad and just like to hang out and be included.
  • You are a decent eater. You love fruit, pasta, and mama's milk; and are having a little trouble switching over to cow's milk. You'll get there.
  • You like the pacifier and your baby doll.
  • You crawl around and throw clothes over your back and head. Another future clothes-obsessed girl?
  • You are tall (30.25 in - 98%) and lean (22 lb - 80%).
  • You are a mover and a dancer and a climber and a happy little soul.

We have a special bond, you and I. You look for me everywhere, and I look for you too. You watch me and give me the biggest smile when you find me looking for you too.

You have brought all of us joy upon joy this year and we cannot wait for every next milestone.

With so much love,


what we did last week

What I did:

What poor little Annie did all week:

What sweet Maren did all week:

Chris, well Chris just works and sleeps. His loves his new job, but it is quite exhausting.
It's Sunday. Here's to a good and healthy week.