Monday, April 30, 2012

monday quickie

This funny girl who said, "Mom, take a picture of me with play dough on my head!"
 Also coined this cuteness: Maren is crazy for babies and Annie calls Maren and the two babies the "attack triplets" because Maren likes to climb up on our laps with the babies and bang them on us.  As in, "Mom, WATCH OUT.  Here come the attack triplets."

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


That picture I just posted that I find totally adorable might gross someone out.  FYI, that is DIRT, not poop all over her!  Little sister likes to dig in the garden.

wordless wednesday

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I'm going to call her a walker!

Please don't mind Annie's underwear. We are trying to grow a garden this year, and it needs a ridiculous amount of water and watering is, well, wet. So this is how we end up most afternoons.

the Mare-Bear crawl

Sunday, April 1, 2012

first food tastes

We tried cereal with Annie at a little over 4 months, but we waited until six months with Maren.  Annie looks like such a baby in her picture :)