Saturday, July 21, 2012

Annie's birthday interview

I have seen these on other blogs and decided to try it.  She cooperated somewhat, but I can't say she was putting too much thought into it:

How old are you turning?  Four
How does it feel to be four?  Fun
What is your favorite color?  Orange.  And red.
What is your favorite animal?  Kitties and dogs.
What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Play ball.
Inside?  Have fun
What is the most important thing you have learned in your life so far?  Music.  (Me: What about music?)  Actually, I haven't learned about music.  So, nothing.
How do you think you are different from last year when you were turning three?  I was shorter then.
What are your nicknames?  Just Annie Banannie.
What do you think about your school?  It's pretty good.
Who is your best friend?  Sophia.  And Penny.  Sophia and Penny.
What do you like learning about?  Christmas.
What do you want to be when you grow up?  Cheerleader
Tell me about our family.  This is kind of a hard interview.  What is it called we are doing right now?  Interview?
What do you like about having a sister?  This is really kind of hard, Mommy.
What is something you like to do with Mommy?  Play with her ear (laughs).  (Me: Are you going to be silly now?)  Actually, I like doing chalk with her.
What is something you like to do with Dad?  Go on a date with him.
What is your favorite toy?  Baby and Sherm and Walt and Maren's baby. (Maren's favorites would be the same, of course - causes no problems ever.)
Where is your favorite place to go?  Rainbow City
What do you love to do?  Play with my sister.
What is your favorite book?  Dora
What would be the best thing someone could give you?  A treat.
If you had a whole day to do whatever you wanted to do, what would you do?  Color
Do you think you will get married some day?  Yes.
How old do you think you will be when you get married?  (counting silently on fingers for awhile....)  Forty.
What is your favorite food?  Mac and cheese.
What are you scared of?  Nothing.  (Says one of the only kids who wouldn't go on the water slide during water day this week.)
What makes you happy?   Friends.