Wednesday, July 16, 2008

for the record

Just in case I go into labor today, I would like to state for the record that both Chris and I think this baby is a girl. We're not sure, but if it's a boy, we'll be surprised. I wanted our predictions to be known. Let's see how right on our parental instincts are!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All I gotta say is put equal time into choosing a boy name! My best friend from college had a baby last spring and she was SURE it was going to be a girl. So sure, in fact, that she only picked a girl name. Now she has a lovely bouncing boy named Willow :) Luckily, the kids is a little hippy baby growing up in Fairbanks AK along with a million kids named Caribou and Aurora and Spirit and such, but still... spend time on boy names too!