Thursday, January 15, 2009

the evolution of anne

She is constantly growing and changing, but the big changes seem to happen overnight and in stages, if that makes sense. Of course the stages overlap, but this is one way of looking at her evolution:

Stage 1: Adorable Baby Blob
Age: 0 – approximately 3 months
Characteristics of this stage:
· Wakes several times/night
· Breastfeeds for long periods of time
· First smiles
· Looks cute in every outfit
· Loves the swing
· Likes to look around but does very little interacting
· Very fold-y and tiny and perfect
· Lots and lots of diaper changes
· Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of spitting up
· Constant bib wearing

Stage 2: Beginner Interacting
Age: 3-4 months – 5-6 months
Characteristics of this stage:
· Starts to sleep through the night but still not much of a napper
· Rolls over both ways
· Plays with toys
· Smiles more frequently
· Laughs out loud
· Spitting up lessens
· “I’d prefer to stand, thanks”
· Talking

Stage 3: On the Move
Age: 5-6 months - ???
Characteristics of this stage: We shall see but she is ready to start moving. She reaches for her toys and sits on her own. She has started getting mad if you take her away from the toy. She puts herself into crawling position but isn’t quite sure what to do when she gets there. New, and often louder, sounds are coming from her mouth: more laughs and now excited squeals. Nana says she sings and I agree. She used to roll over as practice, sort of a neat trick. Rolling over has become functional; as in, there is my octopus, I must roll over there to get it. We are waiting for longer and more predictable naps – stay tuned!
Annie is definitely developing a little personality. We were discussing her three main traits, and I called her inquisitive, laid back, and a little shy. Chris called her happy, curious, and laid back. (We answered separately.) Meg says Annie is very independent, and I would agree with that. If you put the pacifier in, she pulls it out, turns it all around to examine it, and then puts it back in herself if she wants it. Put the spoon near her mouth and she will reach out, grab it, open her mouth, and feed herself. She is still on cereal only, but we will probably move onto veggies next week. We will have to see which personalities are age-related and which ones are hers to keep!

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