Saturday, May 14, 2011

mini girl update

I must say, Maren is absolutely fabulous. She is a good girl, a better and easier baby than most. She cries rarely and is easy to soothe. She is a decent sleeper. She will go down for naps but they don't last as long as she needs right now (although she'll sleep for hours in the swing, we are trying not to make that a habit). She goes down easily at night, up usually twice still, but it's not bad because she usually goes right back down after nursing and I don't even have to get out of bed. She is an efficient nurser, none of the lounging and lingering that Annie enjoyed so much. A lot of Maren's good habits, though, are probably nearly as much a product of our experience as of her nature.

She is a pretty, smiley, little thing who makes happy, little noises. I wash a little more of the brown out of her hair every time she bathes. :) She lost hair for awhile, but I think what is coming in now is the real deal, and it is definitely lighter than her newborn hair, maybe a light brown. Her features are little and sweet, and she is a super long, fairly narrow girl. She is still blue so far, but I think she is going to be our brown-eyed girl. Her eyes are bigger than Annie's and she seems to be darker overall.

Busy playing face:

Talking with Dad:

I am just really enjoying my time with Maren. With Annie, I would dread her waking up at night, but with Maren, it is a special time. I guess the experiences with my "practice kid" really have made things easier this time around! KIDDING ABOUT THE PRACTICE KID!

1 comment:

Beck said...

What a sweet girl!