Monday, August 1, 2011

birthday letter for my big girl

Dear Annie,

You turned THREE last week. OK, it was a little over a week ago, but man is the summer flying by!

Some awesome things about you:

  • You are sensitive and sweet. You like to hug and say I love you.

  • You love to read and you love letters. You know them all. Tonight I told you I was a bookie and you told me, "I'm a bookie too." We read three books every night. You occasionally "lose a book" but those are few and far between.

  • You like to play outside. You are girly but dirty too. You are going to be a good camper.

  • You have all but given up naps. We had too because you would come out of your bed for literally hours - you come out with a smile on your face and say, "mommy, all my friends turned into monsters." We say, "OK, Anne, throw them into the hallway and go back into bed."

  • You are 100% potty trained even for nighttime, with very few accidents.

  • You like to dance and have a super cute fast feet thing going on where you twist your hips around and move your feet as fast as they can go.

  • You are a gentle girl with a soft voice and a shy smile.

  • You have a lot of concentration for a three year old. You can do puzzles, painting, games, etc. for a long time. You saw your first movie, Winnie the Pooh, with Dad. It is so fun! I can't wait for even more big girl activities.

  • You have an unbelievable sense of direction. You always know where we are and what city we are in. I am pretty sure we could drop you in Ponte Vedra and you could find your way home.

  • You are learning to swim and finally love to dunk underwater. We are working on kicking.

  • You love bouncy houses and parties.

  • You are a total oldest child so far - a rule following, leader, take-charge kind of girl.

  • You have a sense of humor and try to make jokes all the time. You do funny voices and say funny things. (You do a mean Maren.)

  • You like to tell stories and have stories told to you, especially scary stories where we do lots of Oooooooooooooo.

  • You are a little copycat, which we consider a compliment that you think we are cool. Recently heard: "My whole body hurts." (I have been going to the gym.) "I am going to bring the rest for lunch tomorrow." (I always pack up half my dinner for lunch the next day.)

We have a book called Mommy's Little Girl, which has clarified our relationship for you. You made this up yourself and say all the time, "I'm a big girl now, but I'll always be your little girl."

Always, Annie!



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