Monday, November 17, 2008

happy smiles and big milestones

Annie is stoked about Obama's election, so much so that she rolled over in excitement twice on election night (11/4)! She was crying in bed, and I reached over to pat her before picking her up. I started patting and then I was patting all up and down her, thinking, wait a sec ... that isn't a face ... that's the back of her head! What a proud moment for a new mom!

She also laughed out loud last Thursday, 11/20. The old "pretend to eat the hands" trick gets them every time. It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard.

It's getting kind of cold in Florida. Here she was on our walk today with bonnet and sweater knit by Gram:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AWWWW!!! I really want a cuddle!!! LOVE HER!!!